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Welcome to Durban Occupational Therapy

Making the impossible, Possible. 

Occupational Therapy is the unique, client-centered  profession that aims to promote health and well-being through meaningful  occupations. 

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A Bit About Us

Our Background

My name is Hawa Khan and I am a Paediatric &  Mental Health Occupational Therapist.

My OT Journey began in 2014- where I studied a  Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational therapy with Honours. As I studied my love for OT grew and inspired me in  all areas of my life. 

During my studies I realised that my calling was in pediatrics and mental health.Since completing my studies, I have attended many courses to improve my knowledge to allow me to provide the best care possible.

I am an advocate for play in children and supporting their self-development through play and adventure.

I have a great interest in childhood  developmental disorders such as developmental delays, autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome,learning difficulties and ADHD.

I am also intrigued by the human mind and firmly believe in taking care of an individual's mental well-being. 

I have an interest in addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, stress, personality disorders and grief. 

I am a dedicated and passionate OT who works closely with parents and caregivers to support and maximise potential in all individuals which allows them to become as independent as possible. 

Home: About

Professional Services

Meeting Your Needs

Child In Speech Therapy

Children and Youth Therapy

Pediatric Occupational Therapists facilitate holistic interventions in the areas of play, self-care and school. We wholeheartedly believe in supporting children and enabling them to reach their full potential. Where Possible, early intervention is key to build a solid foundation and pillars for success.

Services include mobile OT services to schools & homes, as well as in/out-patient care. 


Mental Health Therapy 

At D. O. T we believe that the mind is the most powerful tool. Often, we are stuck in life unable to see past our limitations and disabilities, it is important to not allow negativity control your life. At D. O. T we strive to provide you with the best care that will enhance your quality of life.
Services include virtual therapy and in/out-patient care. 

Focused treatment for the following paediatric conditions developmental delays, autism, down syndrome, learning difficulties, visual perceptual skills, fine motor, gross motor, sensory processing disorder, Cerebral palsy and much more. 
As well as focused treatment for individuals suffering with Addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, grief and personality disorders. 

Home: Services
Bullet Journal

Opening Hours

Come Visit

Monday- Friday between 9:00a.m and 4p.m
Sun and public holidays : Closed

Home: Hours

Get in Touch

53 Glenugie Road, Pinetown. Inside Pinetown Assessment and therapy center


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"Ever since I started my kids with Durban Occupational Therapy, I've seen a major improvement in their abilities " - Waseelah Essop 

Home: Testimonials

©2020 by Durban Occupational Therapy Inc. 

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